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Online Help
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When you log onto BNU ONLINE, there is a main menu bar always at the top of the window. You can select the desired transaction by clicking the tab.

Above the main menu bar, there is a Function Path with underlying words. It shows what level of function you are currently using. Just click the underlined function name and you can reach that function directly.

There are another two buttons available on the rightmost part of the path bar - PRINT and HELP. You can click the PRINT if you want to print the current active windows. This Online Help will be activated when you click the HELP.

Whenever you exit from your BNU ONLINE session, remember to click the LOGOUT button at the rightmost part of the top menu bar. This action helps to ensure that other people cannot view your personal banking information.

There is a quick link menu bar always available at the bottom of the window, where you can immediately open a window to download Application Forms, inquire about the latest Interest Rate, Exchange Rate and use the Calculators. At the lowest part of the window, there is a link for you to view the 'Terms and Conditions' of BNU ONLINE.

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